Sunday, 29 June 2014

Worlds Ugliest Dog

1Q. How many years has the 'Worlds Ugliest Dog' contest been around.
1Q.  How many contestants did it attract this year.

1A. The Worlds Ugliest Dog contest has been going for 26 years.
1B. The contest had 29 different dogs entering the contest.

2Q. How  did this years winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks.

2A. Peanut got his ugly looks from a fire and in that fire he lost both of his lips.

3Q. What is the organisers main purpose for organising this unusual competition.

3A. The organiser made the competition to show what happens when you abuse animals and helps raise awareness for animal abuse because most of the dogs were abused to get there look.

This is my Word Find.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

An Ant

Cross Country

It was a beautiful day and I was  really hungry so climbed out of my ant hill and I heard a really loud noise. It sounded like a gunshot, the noise was really loud. A few moments later there was a noise that sounded like a stampede of elephants, as soon as I turned around there were giants everywhere. I was getting stood on and my best friend got squished by a giant wearing a huge pair of shoes. I knew I had to get out of there so I crawled back to my ant hill and warned everyone not to go outside.

I knew this was the worst day it sounded like earth quakes and the giants were screaming and cheering for each other. I had to get really high so I climber out side and climbed up a tree, there were colours everywhere Red, Purple, Black and all these different colours of shades.

There were lots of giants were Red and they sort of looked like ants. As I sat in the tree watching all these Red giants were running constantly, and they were all different shapes and sizes some were tall and some were short. I heard that there was someone called trent and he was one of the fasts of all the giants he was running so hard his face was a red as his top.

The noise started to dile down as the day started to get darker so I climbed down the tree and into my anthill and went to sleep.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Australia's Favourite White HumpBack Whale Makes A Rare Aperance

Q1: What is so special about Migaloo?
A1: Migaloo is a special whale because he is the first ever documented albino humpback whale. Migaloo also has his own face book and twitter page. His fans can see him when he is swimming back to migrate and swimming back over to Australia.

Q2: Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.
A2: They have given Migaloo an Aboriginal name which mean White Fella. They  gave Migaloo his own special status that means that boats and jet skis have to stay at least 500 metres away and aeroplanes have to be 2,000 away from the mammal and if they aren't that far away the get a 12,500 dollar fine. Migaloo has his own Facebook and twitter page. He has lots of fans.

Q3: Why is Migaloo known as a 'Hypo-Pigmented' humpback? Is he the only one?
A3: Migaloo is not the only Hypo-Pigmented humpback whale but he was the first documented whale.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Who Knew Corn Flakes Could look So Good

A: Sarah Rosado uses the cereal also know as Corn Flakes and uses them in her artwork.

A: It takes so long to make it because first she sketches the art then she crushes the corn flakes and lastly she places the crushed corn flakes carefully.

A: She made Alicia Keys, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson and John Lennon from the Beetles.
B: In 2013 she unveiled her art work made from dirt.

Critical Thinking:
I think she choose Corn Flakes because it might of been her favourite cereal.
She could've used Wheat Bix and Special K.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Tallest LEGO Structure In The World

A: The most tallest and most recent LEGO structure that was built was built in the court yard of the Saint Stephens Basilica in Budapest.
B: The builders who built the LEGO statue were a team of LEGO builders from Denmark.

A: The 2 requirements that they had to have was they had to take out the wires from the LEGO tower and the other requirement was that it wasn't aloud to use glue.

A: The author that that there would be more records soon because there were 3 records in 1 year.

This is my word search.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Vegetarian Crocodiles

A: They are unusual because they have got softer skin than the crocodiles that eat meat and they also sleep more than other crocodiles. They also don't attack the workers because they are vegetarian and they only eat the veggies in the pellets.

A: They turned this way because Zimbabwe was having a food crisis and they were running out of money to get the meat to feed the crocodiles. While in the food crisis some Officials from Padding Holdings made a food pellet that was mainly veggies but had some meat in them. They gradually decreased they meat in the pellets and took all the meat out of them.

A: They were breeding the crocodiles so they could kill them and make there skin into fashion clothes and they feed the pellets to them so it made there skin softer. When they started feeding the crocodile the pellets they were making more money of the crocodile skin.

A: It is sort of the same because some crocodiles are endangered species but the crocodiles at the farm may not be the endangered species.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

13 Year Old Indian Girl Climbs Mount Everest

A: Malavath Poorna was the youngest girl to climbed up mount everest.
B: The author thought it was so admirable because she was the youngest girl to ever climb mount everest and she was 13.

A: Malavath and 19 other people had to do a climbing test and only 2 climbers could get selected.
B: She got sent back to the base camp because she got altitude sickness.

A: It took Malavath and her team 52 days to climb mount everest.
B: Malavath hopes that it will inspire other underprivileged girls like her to help them reach there goal.

This is the word search I did.