Sunday, 16 February 2014


The Whare is a spiritule place for peace. At the front of the Whare there is a rope that has the members of the iwi holding it, the Moari name for it is Te whare wananga o Te Maro.  The backbone of the whare is called Tahuhu and the name for the ribs is Heke. There are three iwi in Tauranga the top iwi is called Ngati ranginui because they were the first tribe in Tauranga, then the second iwi is Ngati pukenga and the third iwi is Nga Te rangi. The carvers make the Whare facing north.

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The Whare is sort of like a human it has got ribs and a back bone the Maori name for the ribs is heke and the name for the back bone is Tahuhu. The other building is a classroom and each classroom have a animal the names of the animals are Tanu, Crab, Shark and Tuatara.

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